
Cozmophyzix is a Science that utilizes any Astrological or Cosmological application that works. Cozmophyzix is also an art that eclectically mixes Tropical, Sidereal, Ethnic; Chinese, Olmec/Mayan Professions, Chaldean, Sabian, and etc… styles and methodologies.

A major portion of our brand is Mathematics: Mathematics, Experiment, and Experience. (M.E.E.) We pride ourselves on the ability to give the most accurate and simplistic Delineation, Profile, Life-Matter Blue-Printing, and Trend Counseling possible.

Our “Patent” V.T.A.P. (Verifying The Ascendant Process) sets us and our school and brand of this science/art apart from all others. By adapting the philosophy of the illuminated Master Bruce Lee we have set our bottom line” We Excel at the Basics!” and motto, “COZMOPHYZIX IS THE JEET-KUNE- DO of Astrology/Cosmology.”

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